Multi-project management

Are you looking to reorganize your branches, implement new structural standards or new workspace concepts? And to do so you need to merge various branches and jobs? It's a complex task with lots of interfaces, with which CANZLER will nonetheless help you realize your goals .

We assume management of the project for you and help the project team strategically through project and quality management. This way, deadlines, costs, and the quality of the work are all kept under control and the security of supply and technical availability guaranteed. It goes without saying that we treat each and every project individually, while still keeping track of the assignment as a whole.


  • Advice and support for the project managers
  • Coordination and specialist con­sul­ting
  • Help with choice of location
  • Clarification of commissioning of project members
  • Coordination with the user
  • Decision making
  • Cost and deadline certainty
  • Permanent quality control / assurance
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  • Client representation in the planning process
  • Distribution and evaluation of information, decision proposals
  • Permanent quality, cost, and deadline control
  • Hiring and coordination of architects, specialist planners and  involved parties
  • Preparation of project fundamentals ( O-ABB, O-BA, project handbook, processes, reporting)
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