
Tram station Schwabinger Tor

Planning of the lighting technology and electrical installations for a tram stop with two covered waiting areas and the associated platforms and accesses.
Munich's new Schwabinger Tor district was connected to Munich's public transport network with an architecturally striking tram station. CANZLER planned the lighting systems and electrical installations for the station, including all the necessary technical measures in accordance with safety regulations of the operator. A general lighting system was to be provided for the station around the operating facilities intended for the stay of persons, as well as their ground-level and open entrances and exits, so that these can be used without danger and the platform edges are clearly recognisable.
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Project data

Object details:
Infra- and Traffic structure
Jost Hurler Beteiligungs und Verwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG
Felix Fischer Archi­tekten

Provided services

© Rainer Viertlböck