
General Steinhoff Kaserne

Planning and construction supervision services for the modernisation of the technical and other equipment for various existing buildings, extensions and new buildings within the grounds of General Steinhoff Kaserne.
The General Steinhoff Kaserne- formerly Gatow Airfield - in the Berlin district of Spandau was built in 1935. After the Second World War, the airfield and the buildings were used by the Royal Air Force. In 1994, the Bundeswehr took over the property. Today, the listed ensemble of the General Steinhoff Barracks houses the Bundeswehr Air Force Command and other offices. CANZLER supervised the planning of the heavy current technology as well as the telecommunications and IT technology for the comprehensive renovation of five accommodation buildings and buildings 4A and 4C. A modern data network was set up and installations, lighting and security technology were brought up to a high technical equipment standard in accordance with the user's guidelines. CANZLER also planned the renovation of the office and workshop areas in the building for the Bundeswehr Service Centre (BwDlz), including the renewal of the LV main power supply, the basic installation, and the lighting, including security lighting, as well as the special electrical connections in the workshop area. CANZLER also planned the internal and external lightning protection, the installation of a house alarm system and the structured Cat. 7 data cabling according to BW standard. Finally, CANZLER supervised the low-voltage and UPS systems as well as the electrical installation during the construction of a new control matrix building. Outside the new control matrix building, CANZLER planned the rewiring of the antenna systems and the fibre-optic and multicore connection of the new building to the IT property network.
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Object details:
Several buildings of an armed forces building complex under ensemble protection: Five three-storey accommodation buildings, a two-storey administration building, a one-storey administration building with workshop area and a control matrix building.
Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung
ipb Inge­nieurgesellschaft mbH / Inge­nieurgesellschaft Nordwest mbH
8.600 m2

Provided services
