Many paths lead to highly qualified staff


The “war for talents” is long since being waged in the property sector, too. CANZLER therefore opts for numerous different paths to attract specialist staff for large technically discerning projects in the fields of technical facilities and to provide Facility Ma­nage­ment consultancy.

CANZLER nurtures collaboration with universities and colleges to attract suitable newcomers to the profession while they are still students. Moreover, the company also woos suitably qualified foreign engineers. In the wake of the influx of refugees an increased number of candidates come from Syria, who hope that by participating in projects they will be given permanent positions.

Collaboration with suitable universities takes many forms. Canzler offers students at Tech­ni­sche Hochschule Mittelhessen, Hochschule München, Berufsakademie Sachsen/Glauchau and Sachsen Riesa as well as the ESaK (Euro­päische Studienakademie Kälte-Klima-Lüftung) Maintal internships for practicals as part of sandwich courses. One very good way of developing new staff members, as Human Resources manager Julia Stopp comments: “Although the staff are still in training, they are completely integrated into the projects at CANZLER. They get to know the company and the workflow processes, meaning that on graduation they can immediately take their place on projects.” CANZLER pays them a trainee remuneration all year and also covers possible tuition fees. “The staff need to have a good reason to stay with us.” Which is why the company also supports advanced training measures, such as extra-mural post-graduate courses or involvement in specialist working parties.

Master’s project provided the calculation model for a cooling plant

Supporting students on their graduation projects is likewise a win-win for both sides: The students produce a piece of work on a real building and in return CANZLER gains invaluable solutions that can be transposed onto other projects. Tim Meyer, who graduated from Westfälische Hochschule, worked in our Mülheim office and developed a simulation method for calculating the cooling output and dimensions of the plant needed to produce the cooled air. Just how strongly we appreciate such collaboration can be seen from the fact that hardly had Tim Meyer graduated than he was a member of our permanent staff.

Highly qualified engineers from abroad

An engineer who had fled from Syria initially worked on a short-term contract on a major project, but when on to fill a permanent position at Canzler. Another staffers is currently busy in the Frankfurt office as a technical draftsman. After a familiarization phase, the engineer will also work as an engineer on projects. “Both staff members were trained in their home country and already speak very good German, meaning understanding each other is simply not an issue,” explains Andreas Masiorek, one of the CANZLER exe­cu­tives. “On the contrary, we are delighted that in this way we are able to hire good staff and in the one case even offer a young father long-term prospects for himself and therefore his family.”