Business-Breakfast alternative to BIM World München 2020
#06 / 07 -CANZLER-OnlineIMPULSE!
26.11.2020 00:00

The Canzler-OnlineIMPULSE! invite again.
As an alternative to the BIM World Munich 2020, our online events with BIM experts and decision-makers took place on November 24 and 25, 2020 on the following topics:
"Right BIM needs a right "I" - How IT reduces costs and increases quality".
"BIM projects in planning and construction - What do I get out of it as an operator?"
Jens Seiler, Information Manager at SOCOTEC Deutschland and Martin Preuße, Consultant in Facility Management at CANZLER GmbH, gave an insight into the various approaches and applications of BIM - sensor-based construction and operation, BIM and sustainable construction, BIM and GIS, BIM and digital construction site, BIM visualization, cloud-based BIM solutions ... just to name a few of the numerous topics.
Unfortunately, you were not able to attend or would like to listen again afterwards? Here you can watch the recording of the event:
Event from 24.11.2020:
Event from 25.11.2020:
or request the presentation of the event via socialmedia@
The event series will be continued in 2021.
We are looking forward to numerous participants and to your active "discussing together with us".
Your innovation team of Canzler-OnlineIMPULSE!