#06 / 07 -CANZLER-OnlineIMPULSE!

26.11.2020 00:00

The Canzler-OnlineIMPULSE! invite again.

As an alternative to the BIM World Munich 2020, our online events with BIM experts and decision-makers took place on November 24 and 25, 2020 on the following topics:

"Right BIM needs a right "I" - How IT reduces costs and increases quality".

"BIM projects in planning and construction - What do I get out of it as an operator?"

Jens Seiler, Information Manager at SOCOTEC Deutschland and Martin Preuße, Con­sul­tant in Facility Ma­nage­ment at CANZLER GmbH, gave an insight into the various approaches and applications of BIM - sensor-based construction and operation, BIM and sustainable construction, BIM and GIS, BIM and digital construction site, BIM visualization, cloud-based BIM solutions ... just to name a few of the numerous topics.


Unfortunately, you were not able to attend or would like to listen again afterwards?  Here you can watch the recording of the event:

Event from 24.11.2020: https://youtu.be/SrJbApgS2KU

Event from 25.11.2020: https://youtu.be/TvfXgunDOD4

 or request the presentation of the event via socialmedia@remove.this.canzler.de.


The event series will be continued in 2021.

We are looking forward to numerous participants and to your active "discussing together with us".


Your innovation team of Canzler-OnlineIMPULSE!