
World Trade Center

Comprehensive technical and infrastructural as-built data acquisition for the preparation of tender documents
The World Trade Center in Dresden is a world trade center recognized by the World Trade Center Association. BNP Paribas Real Estate Property Ma­nage­ment manages the real parts 1,2,4,6,7 and 8 of the property for the owner Deka Immobilien Investment. As part of the preparation of a standard market tender for facility services, CANZLER first carried out a differentiated technical and infrastructural inventory data collection, on the basis of which all relevant tender documents were then prepared. The focus was on the bundling of services in a cluster for the award to a general service provider, so that the various services did not have to be awarded to individual service providers in a splitted way.
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Project data

Object details:
Inner-city office and commercial building with underground car park
BNP Paribas Real Estate Property Ma­nage­ment
Nietz, Prasch, Sigl, Tchoban & Partner
90.000 m2

Provided services


Demand management
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