University Hamburg
Project management of the technical equipment in the 2nd implementation phase for the new buildings of the campus redesign of the University of Hamburg
The campus of the University of Hamburg is to be redesigned into a modern building block integrated into the urban district. The redesign was accompanied by the reorganization of the structures of the construction and building management. The first building block of the central natural sciences campus on the Bundesstraße is the "MIN - Forum und Informatik".
For the future operator of the campus, the Gebäudemanagement Hamburg GmbH, CANZLER provided the entire project management in the technical equipment. This included the representation of the interests of the AG towards the specialist planner of the technical equipment and further project involved planners, executing companies and users. The coordination and organisation in the planning process, the cost, schedule and contract management as well as the quality assurance and quality management of the planning (among others, professional/technical plan reviews) and the preparation and execution in the context of preliminary measures also belonged to the services rendered.
Project data
Object details:
New building "MIN-Forum und Informatik" with library, canteen, lecture halls, seminar rooms and a computer centre
GMH Gebäudemanagement Hamburg
Bez + Kock Architekten
41.000 m2
Provided services
Technical equipmentManage
Project managementPhoto:
© Duechting – Universität Hamburg
© Duechting – Universität Hamburg