New European Central Bank (ECB/ECB) - CAFM system
Process optimization, consulting and development of a CAFM system for the new buildings of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt
A CAFM system had to be implemented for the new property of the European Central Bank in the Frankfurt Ostend.
CANZLER advised the client on the entire selection and construction process. For this purpose the existing functional concept of the CAFM landscape and the data functions were checked with regard to the fulfilment of the operator‘s responsibility. CANZLER provided advice on the integration of existing IT systems, the takeover of existing data and the development of a space management system as well as on the data acquisition for FM services, the creation of a data management concept and the creation and implementation of the data migration process.
Project data
Object details:
Ensemble consisting of a 185 m high double office tower, a listed Grossmarkthalle, underground car park, reception building with conference center and memorial, 2,900 workplaces
European Central Bank
Coop Himmelb(l)au
185.000 m2
Provided services
CAFM consultancyManage
Quality managementPhoto:
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