
Laboratory modernisation DRK

Planning and project supervision of the technical equipment for the modernization and conversion of a laboratory building.
The DRK (Germn Red Cross) Blood Transfusion Service Baden-Württemberg - Hesse operates the Institute for Transfusion Medicine and Immunohematology at Sandhofstrasse in Frankfurt/Main. With a total of 340 employees, it provides the University Hospital Frankfurt am Main with all transfusion medicine services and supplies around 100 hospitals in central and southern Hesse with blood products. The new building, which was occupied in 2002, had to be adapted to meet the requirements of modern laboratory operations. CANZLER planned the technical equipment for the expansion and conversion of the existing laboratory units and supervised their implementation. Due to the expansion of production, the focus was on the installation of a high-performance recirculating air-cooling system (75 kW) for high-quality medical equipment. In addition, the requirements for a hygienically operable drinking water network were implemented and space-creating interventions (shafts, routes) were planned due to the installation of an open-plan laboratory.
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Project data

Object details:
Medical-scientific laboratory building with high-quality medical technology
DRK Blood Transfusion Service Baden-Württemberg - Hesse
3.000 m2

Provided services


Quality management