
KION Group AG - CAFM-System

Consulting and support for process optimization in the tendering and implementation of a CAFM system across all global locations
The KION Group is the world‘s leading provider of forklift trucks and warehouse technology as well as supply chain solutions and related services. As part of a global standardization of facility services, differentiated building processes with different structures and reports had to be implemented and data layers installed. The company therefore wanted to introduce a central CAFM system that would map the various modular service areas and take global standards as well as regional peculiarities into account. CANZLER advised the KION Group in the selection of the CAFM system for the targeted and step-by-step implementation of individual use cases at regional locations. After the implementation CANZLER further developed and updated the process requirements standards on the basis of the selected software.
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Corporate headquarters, production and sales locations as well as nationwide branches
KION Group

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