
Eumetsat office building

property planning and monitoring service levels 1-8 for a new-build office block with a canteen as part of the expansion of Eumetsat
EUMETSAT, the European organization for the use of meteorological satellites, and is headquartered in Darmstadt. To cope with ever expanding tasks, it was necessary to erect a new office building. In the new build, office areas were created for about 160 staff members and a new 255-seat canteen for all staff in Darmstadt. CANZLER was contracted to provide property planning service levels 1-8. The office area requirements centered on variable usage as an open-plan area, several-person offices and classic single-cell workstations. The office floors in the building are cooled by concrete core activation, which is highly effective thanks to the fair-faced concrete ceilings. The remote heating grid provided by the local utility and four air-cooled heat pumps cover the building’s heating requirement, with the basic heating load likewise handled by concrete core activation.
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Project data

Object details:
New office building for about 160 staff members and a 255-seat canteen
Pielok Marquardt Archi­tekten
6.300 m2

Canzler Plus

We gladly factor great flexibility for the office units to meet future work-station typologies and the requirements of canteen operations into your project. CANZLER devises an overall concept that is sure to get you to your goal.

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© Thomas Koculak Fotografie