Frankfurt am Main / Ulm
DRK Blood Donation Service
Expert activity for quality assurance of building automation and media supply in laboratories and medical rooms
The German Red Cross operates blood banks at several locations in Germany, where blood supplied by the donor service is tested, prepared and processed into preserves.
For the conversion and extension of blood banks at the locations Frankfurt am Main and Ulm CANZLER took over the quality assurance for the execution of the building automation for the clean room and air conditioning technology in laboratory and medical rooms as well as for the media supply.
The scope of services included the detection of defects, their evaluation and the determination of the resulting residual services. CANZLER participated in validation processes and random plant tests and subsequently worked out measures for the removal of defects, supervised the construction process and participated in the acceptance tests.
Project data
Object details:
seven-storey extension building, laboratory building with production areas, clean rooms and cold rooms of the blood donation service
DRK-Blutspendedienst Baden-Würtemberg / Hessen
Provided services
Technical equipmentPhoto:
© Bogdanhoda – iStock
© Bogdanhoda – iStock