
Deutsche Telekom - T-Shop in the headquarter

Planning, tendering, awarding and supervision of the execution of the ventilation and cooling technology as well as fire protection within the scope of the modernisation.
The T-Mobile Shop on the ground floor of the Deutsche Telekom AG headquarter in Bonn can be reached both from outside and from the foyer of the administration building. To demonstrate and test the integration of mobile phones and smartphones in a homelike environment, the area on the upper floor was transformed into an experience unit with living room, cooking area and lounge. CANZLER planned the modernisation of the ventilation and cooling technology as well as the sprinkler technology in the shop areas, put the services out to tender and supervised their implementation.
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Project data

Object details:
Sales area in the foyer area of the Deutsche Telekom AG group headquarter
Deutsche Telekom AG
400 m2

Provided services
