
Audimax of the University of Hamburg

Project management for the refurbishment of a listed lecture hall building during ongoing operation
The listed building of the Audimax of the University of Hamburg from 1959 (architect Bernhard Hermkes) is designed for events with up to 3,000 people. Auditoriums and a spacious foyer, flooded with light and open over several floors, extend the event areas around the auditorium. The auditorium building is popular for public events, but due to deficiencies in fire protection, the operator was threatened with the withdrawal of the relevant permits. In order to be able to continue using the entire space, an overall concept had to be created in usage variants, an overall fire protection concept had to be developed and coordinated with the responsible authorities. CANZLER provided the project management services in phases 1 - 5. By renovating and upgrading the building in terms of fire protection, it was possible to avoid shutting down operations.
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Project data

Object details:
Lecture hall building with spatially divisible Audimax and a total of 3,000 seats as well as galleries and a spacious foyer
Universität Hamburg
Knaack & Prell Archi­tekten, Hamburg
2.000 m2

Canzler Plus

Solving complex problems intelligently and pragmatically for the benefit of the customer. Thanks to our professional expertise, we combine the best of the worlds of con­sul­ting, planning and controlling in CANZLER project management. Of course, this applies equally to the public sector and private clients. Canzler.Realizing your goals.

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© Archi­tek­tur-Bildarchiv I Thomas Robbin