Multi-tenant-ready basic fit-out for up to 40 tenants
Realization of redevelopment measures at the Eurotheum high-rise

CANZLER’s team of architects and engineers redesigned the Eurotheum in downtown Frankfurt. The goal: to enable multi-tenant occupancy on floors 1 thru 21.
The Eurotheum’s 31 stories rise up to a height of 110 meters. The associated building with a heritage-listed façade has six stories. The building, erected in 1999/2001 and used until 2015 by the European Central Bank, is owned by Commerz Real’s Hausinvest open real estate fund. On floors 22-9, the international hotel chain Melia Innside operates a hotel and bar as well as 74 serviced apartments for long-stay guests. Thanks to the superb fit-out with optic-fiber cables, electrical energy and cooling, part of the tower can be used as a computer center in the interim.
Basic fit-out enables swift use by new tenants
CANZLER GmbH planned and supervised the tenant fit-out for the ECB when the building first opened. Since 2015, a team of architects and engineers has provided planning services in order to enable the property, originally destined for one major tenant, to be used in smaller lots by multiple tenants. The focus was also on upgrading office spaces to the technical standard and flexible use of modern office worlds. The goal: to realize the basic fit-out required for permitting in advance so that letting and the related tenant-specific fit-out could be achieved super-fast. The CANZLER team planned a flexible fit-out and prelim systems setup, gearing it to up to 40 different tenants. Each floor is now designed to enable two separate occupancies. The challenge was to identify and plan all tenants’ wishes and services in advance and realize modern office high-rise standards in the original build. CANZLER coordinated the requirements of the client, the architects, the outside experts and authorities.
In order not to constrain tenants, parts of the technical plant and equipment were likewise upgraded, such as the fire alarm system and the building automation. CANZLER made certain during planning that the services required could be realized in a high quality in time and in budget. The services for the basic fit-out of the office floors and to redesign the foyer were completed in autumn 2017. All work was completed during ongoing operations with special care taken to not impair hotel operations and office tenants already in place.
After all conversion work requiring permits and maintenance work had been undertaken, on 12 floors the fit-out was realized for eight different tenants including approvals from outside experts. Commissioning of the other eight floors took place in 2018. CANZLER provided specialist consultancy for the new operators of the computer center on Floor 7, Cloud & Heat, supporting them realizing conversion measures as regards building surveillance.
As part of letting of the office floors to multiple tenants the foyer was also redesigned. CANZLER handled planning and supervision of the entire technical fit-out of the foyer including the conference zone, catering and reception areas.