Conversion to a multi-tenant office building


CANZLER was commissioned by Sienna Investment Managers to convert the office building in Hamburg's Überseering, which was once tailored to Deutsche Telekom, into a multi-tenant property. The measure was necessary because partial areas had been rented to the insurance group Generali. At the same time, Sienna IM had the technical requirements created throughout the building to achieve flexible rentability in the long term. CANZLER had to take into account many interfaces and specifications while also working to a tight schedule.

Generali moved into a total of around 11,000 square meters of the office building at the end of 2023, spread across the 6th to 8th floors and parts of the ground floor. To this end, the building, which was designed for Deutsche Telekom and has 34,000 sqm of floor space, had to be converted to be multi-tenant capable and prepared for the installation of tenant-side technology. In addition to separating the media for the new rental areas, access and monitoring systems, in particular, had to be converted and aligned for future operation. Above all, the building management system, the security concept and the electrical access and monitoring systems were the responsibility of the former sole tenant. In order to meet the tight schedule for Generali to move in, CANZLER was commissioned to manage the project. The decisive factor was that CANZLER is very familiar with the building, since specialist planners had already taken over the tenant's management at the time.

Designed for flexible use

The aim was not only to separate the areas for the new tenant, but also to convert the entire building to make it multi-tenant capable. The basis for this was a media separation concept that combines the various security and corporate requirements of the two groups and the asset management specifications for flexible leasing. Eike Riggert, the responsible project manager at CANZLER, explains: “In this construct between two tenants and the wishes of the asset manager, the challenge was to consider many interfaces and requirements that needed to be coordinated while also adhering to a tight schedule due to the deadlines agreed in the lease.”

In detail, a new access control system for the doors, parking garage, underground parking and elevators was installed by the landlord. In the common areas, a neutral building branding was implemented, the conference areas were converted and new access regulations were created. Now, a turnstile system connected to the access control system, as well as new video surveillance and burglar alarm systems, meet the security requirements of both tenants. From the first floor upwards, the media supply within the building was separated across all floors. This allows for a small-scale division for different users with separate access control and separate billing for all consumption, if required. “When renovating a building with only one user, it always makes sense to check whether it can be converted to be multi-tenant capable, in order to ensure long-term rentability,” Riggert concludes.


Project: New Headquarter Deutsche Telekom

Project: Expansion Headquarter Deutsche Telekom