Ready for the Future - Daiichi Sankyo Europe

28.04.2023 11:00 – 11:30

 CANZLER-OnlineIMPULSE #38: "Ready for the Future" -Daiichi Sankyo Europe

On Friday, 28.04.2023 at 11 a.m.

Shaping the future also spatially - the Innovation Hub of Daiichi Sankyo Europe.

In this event, we addressed the question of how a pharmaceutical company with Japanese roots manages to live up to the claim "Passion for Innovation. Compassion for Patients" but also to transfer the aspect of innovation to its premises. How can companies design spaces in such a way that they are attractive to employees and partners in the long term?

Daiichi Sankyo Europe has implemented the keywords "young, modern, future-oriented" in its newly built Innovation Hub at the European headquarters in Munich. In a joint interview with Stephanie Müller - Head of Facility & Mobility Ma­nage­ment at Daiichi Sankyo Europe - we presented the recently completed Innovation Hub and provided an insight into the continuous development of the corporate space over the years as well as a live tour of the premises.

You couldn't attend or want to listen in afterward?
Here you can watch the recording of the event:


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