RealFM Regional Circle Event
Eurotheum - Technik die begeistert

As part of this year’s regional circle event held by RealFM on Sept. 13, 2018, taking the example of the Eurotheums in Frankfurt the issue of “revitalization – from single to multiple tenant structure” as well as the economic and ecological advantages were shown of using water-cooled servers and the technology presented afterwards in a tour of the property.
Objekt-Exkursion: | Hochhaus Eurotheum in Frankfurt |
Termin: | Donnerstag, 13. September 2018 |
Ort: | Eurotheum, Neue Mainzer Str. 66-68, 60311 Frankfurt am Main |
Referenten: | Andreas Broßmann, RealFM e.V. Regionalkreisleiter Frankfurt am Main |