Backwater protection and rainwater management


More and more frequently, the media are reporting on full cellars after heavy rain events. In times of climate change, the requirements for professional backwater protection and drainage infrastructure are more important than ever before. The use of the right products is in line with professional installation.


Lecture 1:  Backwater protection in the drainage of buildings and landTechnical measurements involving PCM-O
Speaker:   Marco Koch, Jung Pumpen GmbH


 Click here to download Lecture 1

Lecture 2:  rainwater management
Speaker:   Frank Tersteegen, Systemberatung NRW-Süd Drainage Systeme
Date:    Tuesday, August 27, 2018, 4.30 – 7.30 p.m.
Venue:   HAUS DER TECHNIK e.V., Hollestr. 1, 45127 Essen, room: 505